Friday, June 26, 2015

In His Time

On Tuesday, I was delivering lunches in an apartment complex where we have yet to serve many children. I was stocked with twenty lunches and only three kids came out to eat them. Becoming impatient, waiting in the heat for these three children to eat thoughts of "other more important things" I should be doing began to dance in my head. 

These thoughts were interrupted when the smallest little girl finished her orange. She saved the seeds in the palm of her hand. As I was packing up to leave, she held them up to me and said, "Miss Anna, will you help me make these pretty flowers?" 

Looking down at those orange seeds in her hand, at first I laughed. "Well, those aren't going to grow into flowers!" I explained. "They are going to make oranges, and you'll have to wait a looooong time." 

She looked down into the seeds kind of disappointed. Thinking on my feet, I grabbed a cup and some cotton balls out of my craft kits for the day. My plan was to put the seeds under the cotton in the cup, add a little water and pray for the best. It was better than a flat out refusal to help, but in my heart I knew those orange seeds didn't stand a chance. 

It was when I looked at the cup, that I knew the Lord was teaching me in this moment. The day before, in preparation for our craft, I'd written "The Lord keeps His Promises! Deuteronomy 7:9" on every one of the cups. 

I looked at the smile on the little girls face as she held her freshly planted orange seeds, and thought about how, really she and I are in the same boat. Everyday when we are delivering lunches and planting God's Word in the hearts of others, I feel like I'm holding up two little seeds to God and expectantly asking, "Will you make this grow into something beautiful?"  

And every day He reminds me of His promises and His faithfulness to keep His promises. The seeds that  are planted in His Name will go forward to accomplish all He has planned for them to accomplish. 

We must not grow weary! I am learning to be patient, to be faithful and grateful for these little glimpses of His Glory. 

Lunch Ministry Update

At the other two complexes on my delivery route I have a growing group of children who meet me each day. I've introduced different activities to do with the kids each day while they enjoy their lunch. We have Scripture Memory contests and good old fashioned Tic-Tac-Toe tournaments. 

On Thursday, my friend Mary Brown went along. Mary has a passion for literacy training, so we took some donated books along with us to give away. Mary sat at my table and sorted the books according to reading level. Every child received an age appropriate book and even enjoyed story time along with their lunch. 

It is truly a joy to walk with the Lord every day and witness how much He cares for those that many of us would overlook. If you would like to join us as we deliver lunches please contact me at or call or text (405) 694-8380