Thursday, May 10, 2012

Grace for Mother's Day

Wednesday got off to a rough start.  For many reasons it was just a chaotic morning.

It was also "Mom’s and Muffins" day and David needed to dress in a white shirt and black pants like a waiter. We went back and forth about the long sleeve shirt he didn’t want to wear. He packed a shirt to change in to and we headed out the door.

I dropped the boys off at car pool and went home  thinking there would be enough time to shower and get dressed up before the mother’s day festivities. I walked in the house, set my purse down, grabbed a diet coke and checked my phone to make sure what time I needed to be back at the school.

It was now 8:40 and David’s reading restaurant started at 8:20. My heart sank. I threw on a dress, pulled my hair back, grabbed Ruby and sped back to the school unshowered and without a stitch of make up. 

Rushing down the hall, all I could see was David waiting with his teacher in his chef’s hat. He was looking down the hallway with his big brown eyes. He was looking for his momma who was late.

His teacher was so sweet to cut my apologies short, refocusing my attention on the sweet welcome from David, “Welcome to the reading restaurant” he said “I’ll be your waiter. Let me show you to your table.”

David read pages from whichever journal I chose off of his reading menu. He’s made amazing progress this year and has beautiful handwriting.  My eyes welled up with tears.  Hugging him tightly I whispered, “David, I’m so sorry I was late.” He leaned into my hug and said, “It’s okay mom. You were right on time.” 

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