The sermon was emphasizing international missions, the music
was worshipful and uplifting; still three weeks ago as I sat in church, an
unexplainable wave of emotion came over me. The speaker kind of reminded me of
the way my father used to preach. He mentioned that his wife had battled
cancer. Anytime I hear someone characterize their experience with disease as a
battle, I think of the pain my father endured for years on a daily basis. As
soon as I started thinking about Dad, it was like the enemy leaned over my
shoulder and whispered, “God could’ve answered your prayers and healed your dad,
but He didn’t.”
Right there in church the tears began to flow. I can’t think
of anything in my life I spent more time praying for than for my father to be
healed. I was just fifteen when he was first diagnosed with liver failure. He
was successfully transplanted my senior year in High school. We looked at every
day he lived after his transplant as a gift.
He lived to see his grandchildren, celebrated graduations, preached
weddings and even baptized one of his grandsons. The summer after I graduated
from college he took mom and me to the mountains nearly every weekend so we
could see the town and he could conquer impossible mountain trails in his International

Dad cherished the second chance at life he’d been given and
went right back to the work God had called him to do as a young man, the work of
faithfully preaching the Gospel. Just a few months after his transplant the Doctors
released him to go home. Dad and Mom came back to our home in Amarillo, Texas. With
a new passion to serve, Dad went to visit the neighborhood he grew up in as a
child and found children still living in physical and spiritual poverty. To him
this looked like a great location to plant a church!
That same year our family started a church in downtown
Amarillo where Dad began preaching again. His desire to serve so faithfully
inspired many others to give their lives to preach the Gospel. For years he
drove a lunch route in his old neighborhood telling the children who lived at
his old address about Jesus and invited their families to church.
While he had a new liver, the disease that had destroyed his
old liver was still in his blood. There would be days when he felt great and
days when he was so weak he couldn’t get out of bed. The medication he took to
fight the disease was a monthly injection that would bring on severe flu like
Even though he battled illness, Dad used his testimony of
faith to point others to Christ. He made the most of the good days and still
pressed forward on the bad days. Many times he would say that God has been able
to use him more in times of weakness than in times of great strength.
Yes, I prayed that God would heal my father. Every day. Still,
four years ago this month, he passed away. Is it true that God ignored my
prayers? Did God turn a deaf ear and a cold shoulder to my request? Was my
faith not strong enough for God to release His healing power? That Sunday, despite all the attempts to fight
the lie with the Truth, I was left with a heavy heart.
This morning Chad left the house early. It was quiet and I
couldn’t go back to sleep so I opened my Bible. There in John chapter 11 I
found Martha saying to Jesus, “Jesus if you had been here, my brother would not
have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.”
It brought me great comfort to see how Jesus responded to
Martha. Jesus knew Martha did not have the same understanding He had of eternal
matters. Through her grief she could not see how Jesus would use the death of
her brother to bring glory to His name. Still, Jesus wanted her to understand!
He wanted the faith of Mary and Martha and everyone else who was witness to the
death and resurrection of Lazarus to be strengthened. Jesus comforted these
sisters, showed compassion and shared in their loss; then He brought the
In my father’s case, there was no instant healing, but through
brokenness he lived a life of eternal significance. He believed and taught that
there is more to life than what we experience here on earth.
When we trust Jesus with our life, we are trusting that
while we may suffer and though we may not understand our circumstances, God can
use our lives to bring glory to His name. So nothing, not even death, can
destroy us when we are in Christ.
This is my response to the lie. Yes, God had the power to
answer any one of my prayers and heal my father. No, there was no instant
healing. Instead God did something much greater. He used the life of Don Lane
to spread the hope of the Gospel so that many could be saved alive and his
legacy of faith goes lives on in my life.
The night of my father’s funeral, after a full day of
preaching, worship and talk of Heaven our oldest son David started asking
questions about Salvation. Chad and I talked with him for a while then sent him
to bed. A little while later, David came into the living room to tell us God
had been talking to his heart and he prayed to accept Jesus. We prayed with him again and thanked the Lord
for the hope we have in Jesus. The next Sunday David was baptized.
I am so thankful that even in the face of death we were able
to tell David about how he can trust Jesus and have eternal life. We will
continue to teach our children and strive to follow the example set by
generations of true Christ followers before us, that nothing we face in this
life can separate us from the love of our faithful God.
Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those
who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.
They are given eternal life for believing in me and will never perish. Do you
believe this, Martha?” John 11:25
I do believe! Thank you Jesus for this great HOPE!
Anna, this was so encouraging to me and I love you and all your family. Your dad was such an inspiration to me and many others. God bless you sweet lady!